non primitive data type quiz

Non-Primitiva Data Types, JavaScript Quiz

This section explores Non-Primitiva Data Types, JavaScript Quiz in JavaScript, including Objects, Arrays, and Functions.

non primitive data type quiz

Non-Primitive Data Types, JavaScript Quiz

This section explores non-primitive data types in JavaScript, including Objects, Arrays, and Functions. These complex types allow for more advanced data structures and operations, enabling the creation of dynamic and interactive web applications.

1 / 10

Which method can be used to add a new property to an existing object in JavaScript?

2 / 10

How do you access the value of a property in an object?

3 / 10

Which data type allows storing key-value pairs in JavaScript?

4 / 10

What is the correct syntax to create an object in JavaScript?

5 / 10

Which of the following is used to store multiple values in a single variable?

6 / 10

What does the typeof operator return for a function?

7 / 10

What will typeof null return?

8 / 10

What is the result of typeof function() {} in JavaScript?

9 / 10

Which of the following is a non-primitive data type?

10 / 10

How can you check if a variable is an array in JavaScript?

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The average score is 66%


Quiz: Solve a Quiz on Primitive Data Types.

Quiz: Solve a Quiz on Type Conversion.

Check out our post on Non-Primitiva Data Types.


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