CSS Box Model Quiz

CSS Box Model Quiz

CSS Box Model Quiz

Take this CSS Box Model Quiz to test your understanding of margins, padding, borders, and more! Sharpen your skills and master element layouts. Good luck!

1 / 20

Which CSS property is used to control the size of the space between the content and the border?

2 / 20

To create a shadow around an element, which CSS property is used?

3 / 20

Which property affects only the distance outside the border?

4 / 20

What does border-radius do?

5 / 20

Which property would you use to apply an outer border on an element?

6 / 20

If width: 100px, padding: 10px, border: 5px, and margin: 5px, what is the full width of the element?

7 / 20

What effect does margin: 0 auto have on inline elements?

8 / 20

What happens if you set the border-width but not the border-style?

9 / 20

Which shorthand property sets the padding for all sides of an element?

10 / 20

If padding is set to 10px, border to 5px, and margin to 15px, what is the total size added around the content box?

11 / 20

Which property is NOT part of the CSS box model?

12 / 20

What does margin: auto do when applied to a block element?

13 / 20

What does width: 100% mean when box-sizing: border-box is set?

14 / 20

Which property would you use to add a gap around an elementā€™s content?

15 / 20

What value does box-sizing: border-box apply to an element?

16 / 20

In the box model, which property defines the elementā€™s visible outline?

17 / 20

If you want to set all four sides of padding, which shorthand syntax is correct?

18 / 20

Which CSS property adds space outside the elementā€™s border?

19 / 20

Which property controls the space inside the border of an element?

20 / 20

What does the CSS box model represent?

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Take Our Other Box Model Quiz

Read Full post on Box Model to increase your under standing of CSS Box Model.


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